The American Paradox

The dictionary defines a “paradox” as a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true.

Here is a paradox: our culture continues to get more and have less.

Author David Myers call this the “American Paradox.” The American paradox says David Myers is that we are “better paid, better fed, better housed, better educated, and healthier than ever before, and with more human rights, faster communication, and more convenient transportation than we have ever known.’ Alongside all of this largesse, however, are the signs of life in pain and travail. Since 1960, the divorce rate has doubled, teen suicide has tripled, violent crime quadrupled, the number in prison has quintupled, illegitimate children sextupled, and the number of those cohabitating has increased sevenfold. David G. Myers, The American Paradox: Spiritual Hunger in an Age of Plenty (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000), 5.”

How can it be that at a time when we have so much more that we find ourselves with so much less? The answer to that question is that human beings are created in the Image of God. It is only in Christ that we will find all the needs of our soul are met.

Augustine said, “. . . for Thou hast formed us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in Thee.” Augustine in The Confessions, Book I, chapter I, page 3.

How about you, are you finding the needs of your soul met? Is there a yearning at the depths of your heart that cannot seem to be satisfied. Only Christ can meet that need. Be sure and be in a Bible proclaiming, Christ-centered church this coming Lord’s Day.