Let’s Hear it for the Old Man at the British Open

George Daz of the Orlando Sentinel:

Dear Tom: I promise to stumble out of bed Sunday morning, get out of my flannel jammies, drink my Metamucil and cheer like crazy for you to win the British Open today.

And so should anyone else who still prefers vinyl over MP3s, the feel of getting the news from a Sunday paper instead of a computer keyboard, and the original lemon-lime Gatorade instead of Strawberry Kiwi Rain, the choice of wimpy metrosexuals no doubt.

Rise and shine, old schoolers. This is our day. And Tom Watson is our guy.

He’s on a blinding track to become the poster boy of the AARP generation, but not in the stereotypical context. Watson doesn’t need no ‘stinkin’ dinner discounts. As someone who always defiantly throws away those mailers urging me to join the club, I couldn’t be prouder.

Watson is 18 holes from winning a major golf championship. The historical context is maddening. A few months short of 60, Watson is the oldest man to lead a major golf championship after three rounds since officials started keeping such records dating back to World War II.

Click here for the whole thing.

2 thoughts on “Let’s Hear it for the Old Man at the British Open

  1. Talked to my dad today and reminisced about how he and I watched Watson pitch-in back in 1982, I think it was.

    Great to see Watson at the top, esp. since Tiger is out. (BTW: Did you see Watson’s comment when they asked him what he thought about Tiger not being there?)

  2. Lance, I didn’t see. What did Watson say?

    I saw your FB comment about 6 months lessons from your new position. I can’t believe it has been that long!

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