Tim Challies interacts with the Barna study which shows an alarming number of children who leave the faith after growing up in “Christian” homes: In September of 2006 George Barna released what must be among his most influential studies. Following interviews…
A Picture of a Farmer on Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day! The below picture is of my dad on the day of his farm sale. My dad is the one with the yellow gloves and he is talking to his pastor. My brother, Danny, is on the right. …
Barn Cats
The winsomely wise Amy Scott, considers her soaring cat population. Growing up, we had cats (as much as anyone has a cat – – it’s more a matter of a cat having you) I would now if I lived on…
Is it sin if I didn’t mean to do it?
First, sinning without intent is preferred to consciously doing the wrong thing. All sins are equally wrong, but all sins are not equally bad. A lustful thought is as wrong as adultery. Certainly adultery is worse. Having said that, whether…
Pray Together
When was the last time you prayed together with someone else? We are taught to pray “our Father.” “Our” is plural. “Father” implies siblings. James M. Grier: To approach God as Father implies the whole shared relationship of family. The…
A Father’s Letter to His Son
Father’s Day is Sunday. A few months ago, I read a letter written by a dying father to his three year old son. It makes me wonder if we shouldn’t be writing letters to our sons even before we know…
“Don’t do to your child what I did to mine”
C. John Miller in his book, Outgrowing the Ingrown Church (34): . . . I once overheard a visitor to one of our services tell this story to a young father. He said, “This morning you brought your child to…
“I cannot remain silent”
Letters of note is becoming one of my favorite blogs. April 29th, 1865: Queen Victoria, still grieving and “utterly broken-hearted” following the death of Prince Albert four years previous, writes an empathetic letter of condolence to Mary Todd Lincoln following the recent…
Interviewed about Forgiveness on Peacetalk 660
Larry Wood of Peacetalk radio ministries will interview me today about Unpacking Forgiveness beginning at 11:30AM CST (12:30 EST). You can listen here.
Living next to your son’s killer
Notice that when this lady unpacked forgiveness with her son’s killer forgiveness meant “more than a feeling.” The victim’s mom and the killer ended up being neighbors. If you watch the video, you will notice there is still some of…