Barn Cats

The winsomely wise Amy Scott, considers her soaring cat population.  Growing up, we had cats (as much as anyone has a cat – – it’s more a matter of a cat having you)  I would now if I lived on a farm with a barn.  As it is, I’m content to read about Amy’s kittens:

The cats are out of control. There’s like 15 of them, but I don’t even know. Anything more than one cat is too many if you’re more of a dog person. I’m not even a dog person, though. I’m a beta fish lady.

It all started when I rescued four barn kittens when we moved to the farm. They were minutes away from certain death, and I hadn’t done my good deed for the week if the laundry doesn’t count for anything. But this is how it goes. If you do a good deed, you get taken advantage of. It spirals. If you give a mouse a cookie, then they want milk. Good deeds come back to bite you, or in our case, pee all over your petunias.

The kittens grew up and multiplied and now we have too many cats. Cats cost money because they eat cat food and ruin your plants. We live in a rural area where cats are seen as enemy combatants in a video game. If you hit one, you get 10 points, but I think that’s cruel. Spiders and snakes and rats? Yes. But not cats and dogs and hamsters.

I’m a softie so long as you’re not lying to me. Then I get mean. I won’t kill a cat (not on purpose), but I still think there is such thing as too much of a good thing.

I paid the vet to spay three of the original four cats. (The fourth cat was too far along in her pregnancy.) Two hundred bucks later (I bought the pain pills….) and all three of the cats were . . .

Read the rest here.