If you think you are an island unto yourself, read this quote which I have shared in the past: Rabbi Simeon bar Yohai taught: There is a story about men who were sitting on a ship, one of them lifted…
The Slo Mo Guys – Watermelons vs Rubber Bands
As Z says, “All the adrenaline of playing with explosives with none of the danger.”
C.S. Lewis: “Christianity is not the sort of thing anyone would have made up”
C.S. Lewis said that one of the reasons that he believes Christianity is that it is not the sort of thing anyone would have made up. In Mere Christianity, he wrote: Reality, in fact, is usually something you could not…
D.A. Carson: How Can God Be Loving Yet Send People to Hell?
Penn State Solidarity: A Double Edged Sword Illustrating a Biblical Truth
For decades, Joe Paterno was one who brought victories to many in State College. Now, Penn State solidarity and identification with Joe Paterno is bringing State College down. The Penn State debacle illustrates the truth that corporate solidarity is a…
Children Playing Outdoors Requires Leadership: 3 Suggestions
Children need to play outdoors. Virtually everyone agrees. The question is, “How do we effectively encourage children to play outdoors?” As is so many times the case, the word “leadership,” answers the question. Dr. Mohler from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary…
Talk Radio: Forgiving James Holmes for the Colorado Massacre?
Kevin Boling of Knowing the Truth will interview me tomorrow regarding how Christian forgiveness relates to the senseless murders in Colorado. The interview will be streamed live at 10:00 AM, Tuesday, July 23, and can be heard online here. Forgiving…
Redeeming the Internet: The Reader’s Part
Redeeming the Internet is of vital importance for the cause of Christ in the 21st century. In addition to those who write Christian content, we need Christian readers who intentionally redeem the Internet. Below are seven actions readers can take…
A Special Prayer Request for My Writing
I would greatly appreciate prayer support for my next book, Bound Together: How We Are Tied to Others in Good and Bad Choices (Zondervan, 2013). The next two weeks will be very important as final macro-edits are made. The book…
Denny Burk: Chick-fil-a and the Irony of the Tolerance Police
Denny Burk: The irony of the tolerance police never ceases to amaze me. Perhaps you’ve heard about their latest sting operation aimed at Chick-fil-a. It all began last week when Dan Cathy, the President of Chick-fil-a, told a reporterthat the…