If You Think Your Decision Affects No One Else, Read This

If you think you are an island unto yourself, read this quote which I have shared in the past:

Rabbi Simeon bar Yohai taught: There is a story about men who were sitting on a ship, one of them lifted up a borer and began boring a hole beneath his seat. His companions said to him: ‘What are you sitting and doing?’ He replied to them: ‘What concern is it of yours, I am drilling under my seat?’ They said to him: ‘But the water will come up and flood the ship for all of us.’” ~Lev. R. 4.6.In Corporate Responsibility in the Hebrew Bible, by Joel Kaminsky

As I mentioned last week when asking for prayer, I continue to work on the manuscript for my next book, Bound Together. With the excellent help of gifted editors, I think I am making progress. Thanks to those who have prayed.