Be Child-Like

Biblical humility is seeing ourselves as completely dependent on God.

Picture the scene.  Jesus called over a small child.  The little one was probably three or four: old enough to understand simple commands, small enough to be held.  The toddler came running into his arms.  And, Jesus said, “This is what you should be like if you want to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Help on a Forgiveness Example

I need your help on a forgiveness example.  Read the following and answer one simple question.  What should Bev do in the short run? 

Bev and Sue had been close, close friends for years.  They lived two blocks apart and for the last 20 years attended the same church.  They co-led their Mom’s Bible study together for four years in a row.  Their husbands were fishing pals; their daughters were born just a few days apart.  They talked on the phone several times a week.

God’s Glory and Our Joy

Most Christians could tell a story about some pastor or theologian who helped them understand a key truth.  One of my key influences has been John Piper.

For years I struggled to understand the relationship between God’s glory and my happiness.  I knew that two things are true: God is deserving of all glory.  And, second, I knew that I wanted to be happy.  The Bible clearly says that God will show all people that He is the greatest, most glorious God and that there is no other.  And, I knew personally that I wanted a life full of joy.

Emphases for High School Graduates

Graduation is just around the corner.  As a pastor, that means that I will once again be sharing a letter with graduating seniors.  Every year I make it a point to tell graduating seniors who are getting ready to venture out into the world what we most want them to remember.  These are the things we pray will always stick with them.

We tell our graduating seniors.  Never forget:

1.    Jesus Christ is the only solution.  He paid the penalty for His people.  Believe in Him.  Receive the gift of eternal life from Him and your sins are forgiven.  The alternative is unthinkable (John 3:36).

Salvation Catechism (Questions and Answers)

Here is the entire catechism on soteriology (doctrine of salvation) that I am working through in the current sermon series on Sunday mornings.

1.       Who needs to be saved? 

All men and women need to be saved so that they can have a relationship with God.  If they are not saved before they die, they will suffer in hell forever (Romans 3:23, 6:23). 

2.       Why do men and women need to be saved to have a relationship with God? 

Sin has destroyed the relationship with God that all men and women need.  They must be saved so this relationship can be restored (Ephesians 2:1-3, Titus 3:3, Romans 3:23). 

If You’re In a “Tight Spot”

The other night at dinner my family reviewed the Old Testament story of Jehosheba.  The quick summary is that a murderous woman named Athaliah made it her goal to murder all the heirs to the throne.  But, for brave Jehosheba she would have been successful.  Jehosheba was heroic.  She hid her little nephew and his nurse for six years.  Discovery at any time would have meant horrible death.

My family and I talked about what had to be true of Jehosheba in order for her to save the life of her baby nephew.  We concluded that in a time of crisis Jehosheba combined clear thinking, faithful courage, and decisive action.