Be Child-Like

Biblical humility is seeing ourselves as completely dependent on God.

Picture the scene.  Jesus called over a small child.  The little one was probably three or four: old enough to understand simple commands, small enough to be held.  The toddler came running into his arms.  And, Jesus said, “This is what you should be like if you want to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Do not give children more credit than they deserve.  Jesus’ point was not that children are pure.  No honest parent would argue that toddlers are as innocent as they look asleep.

Rather, Jesus was pointing out two qualities of children that we should all target.  First, in the Ancient Near East, children were to be “unseen and not heard.”  Children were expected to be on the silent fringe, not in the vocal center.  They had no standing of their own. 

Second, children depend completely on their parents.  Even strong-willed children know they need their mothers and fathers.  If they skin their knees, they cry for mommy.  When families travel, the children trust that their parents know where they are going (however, misguided they be).

Dependent children, who are unconcerned about status, picture biblical humility.  True humility is depending completely on our Heavenly Father. 

We do not acquire true humility through force of will.  We only grow in true humility by consistently meditating on the glory and greatness of the Lord Jesus.  So focus on how great God is, and how small we are, and you will grow in your humility.

Do you not know, have you not heard, the Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.  He does not grow tired or weary and His understanding no one can fathom.  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak (Isaiah 40:28 ff).