One of my favorites, Rudyard Kipling reminds us that our time on the New Earth won’t be spent sitting around doing nothing. . . On the contrary, it will only be than that we can
It’s Snowing on my Blog
When Exactly Were You Saved?
Brian McLaughlin often / occasionally has good insights when not talking about Ohio State football.
Interview of Tullian Tchividjian
I don’t print out too many blogs, and I’d seen this post before – –
Merry Christmas!
Sensus Divinitatas
In Light of the Gospel has a fascinating post about Tom Brady (Quarterback for the New England Patriots). In spite of all that he has accomplished,
Missions Web Sites
One of my prayers for our church in the coming years is that we will become incresaingly missions minded. I dream that on the New Earth, I will meet new friends from the other side of the world, who became Christians becomes of the missions efforts of The Red Brick Church.
Rutherford Quote
“Ye have only these two shallow brooks, sickness and death, to pass through; and ye have also a promise, that Christ shall do more than meet you, even that he shall come himself,
Answering Virginia (however, briefly)
You know the story. A little girl named Virginia wrote a letter to the editor in 1897.
Dear Editor,
I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, “If you see it in The Sun, it’s so.” Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?
Virginia O’Hanlon
What with the Big Elf getting ready to load up his sleigh, it’s an appropriate time of the year to do a little worldview analyis using Virginia’s letter.
Boredom, Heaven, Starbucks, Alcorn
Like so many others, I wasn’t sure when I was growing up that I wanted to go to heaven. I pictured it as a combination of older people’s homes (the kind with lots of crystal and plastic covers on the furniture) & church – – I found both boring.