It’s Snowing on my Blog

We arrived back to 5″ of snow in Northern Illinois.  . . so I was excited to learn (ht: Green Bagginses, sp?) that I could add a special effect to make it snow on my blog. 

Please look at it if you are using a reader because WordPress is only making this available until January 2nd and it’s about as techie as I get.

5 thoughts on “It’s Snowing on my Blog

  1. I have been trying to keep up with your blog and have not been very good at it until someone showed me how I could put it on my web page. So the other night when Steve and I were checking it we saw it was snowing and were very impressed!!:)

  2. Okay, now I have two problems. Snow on your webpage and you put ribbons in your dog’s ears? I am not sure that I will be able to take anything serious now that is written here.

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