I can’t remember when I first stumbled across the Pollywog Creek blog. But, it’s become one of my favorites. It’s worth it for the pictures alone. I do remember one evening when I was especially tired from ministry and I…
Piper on Preaching
Even if you are not a preacher, hopefully you love great preaching. This is some highly interesting material and some great thinking on preaching. HT: Preach the Word
NY Times on Rush Limbaugh
You may or may not be aware that my wife’s maiden name is “Limbaugh.” During my brief time around the family there have been a couple of theories circulate about whether or not we are related to El-Rushbo. I think…
The Florida Healing Outpouring
Here is an article about the recent so called revival in Florida. It includes some comments from an interview with Tullian Tchividjian. Notice that Tullian does not hesitate to say that the leader of the revival is a false prophet…
Disappearing Europe
Read this post by Owen Strachan about declining birth rates in Europe.
Piper, Providence, and Unpacking Forgiveness
One of the most important doctrinal foundations one must have in order to unpack forgiveness is that of providence. Theologians use the word “providence” to describe the truth that God is directly involved in history and is working all things…
Mohler on the PCUSA
Al Mohler shares developments within one of the mainline denominations. They are preparing to ordain homosexuals.
Why Write on Forgiveness?
In short story, “The Capital of the World,” Hemingway helps explain the need for teaching on forgiveness. Madrid is full of boys named Paco, which is the diminutive of the name Francisco, and there is a Madrid joke about a…
We Need More Anger
Most of the time, we think of anger as a negative thing. Perhaps, most of the time it is. But, in this insightful post, Tullian Tchividjian distinguishes righteous or God-centered anger from self-centered anger.
The Unpopular Topic of Hell
Hell, I realize is not a popular topic of discussion today. Broadly, we prefer to avoid thinking about hell too much for at least a couple of reasons. First, the biblical teaching about hell is infuriating to unbelieving culture. Those…