The Unpopular Topic of Hell

Hell, I realize is not a popular topic of discussion today.  Broadly, we prefer to avoid thinking about hell too much for at least a couple of reasons.  First, the biblical teaching about hell is infuriating to unbelieving culture.  Those who do not know Christ, resent the idea that their Creator is a just judge.

A second reason that we prefer not to talk about hell is that emotionally it demands so much from us.  I know, personally, it is draining to consider that some of the people I love the most may spend eternity in darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, with no hope of ever escaping, that every moment will be worse, and that in a million years they will have not diminished their sentence by even one second.

But, pushing the thought of hell from our thoughts is not an option; it is not up to us to choose the doctrinal truth that we believe.  Laying out the scope of doctrine is God’s job through the Bible.  And, what the Bible says about hell is unmistakably and graphically clear.  Those who reject Christ will spend eternity in conscious torment.

Remember this.  God gives us so much Scripture on hell because he is a loving and merciful God.  When we learn this truth in the Bible, then as Christians we will understand more fully his glory and goodness in salvation.  We will more deeply appreciate the sufferings of our savior who paid a hellacious penalty so that we might have eternal life.  When we reflect on hell, we will be less inclined to be petty about minor squabbles at church or with our family and we will be bolder in proclaiming the Gospel.

2 thoughts on “The Unpopular Topic of Hell

  1. I was dialoguing with someone recently, who objected to preaching on Hell, saying that you’ll never convert anyone by scaring them out of hell.

    I pointed out that the NT does not scare us out of hell; it warns us about hell.

    May the lost heed the warnings, as we did, thanks to the sovereign grace of God.

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