While some of you are bouncing about Brooklyn this weekend, or dipping your toes in Pollywog Creek, I will be preaching at Camp Forest Springs for the Labor Day Family Retreat near Westboro, WI. Why not get directions from the…
An Invitation for Non-Churchy People
September 3, 2009 Dear Friend: If you don’t call yourself a “churchy” person, then I’d like to give you a special invitation to attend a new preaching series at our church beginning on September 13. If you question whether or…
Trevin Wax Reflects on the Shack
The Shack continues to be a bestseller. Click here to read Trevin Wax’s balanced interaction with it.
“As long as there are people who weep, apostasy is not total.”
I recently encouraged people to read Isaiah 59:9-15. Admittedly, they are not upbeat verses. In this section, Isaiah laments over Israel. You won’t need the the prophetic gifts of Daniel to see their application for our day. “Therefore justice is…
The Audacity of “Vanity Fair”
Audacity: “aggressive boldness or unmitigated effrontery,” “insolent boldness” *********************** You probably know that Vanity Fair is a popular magazine. Go into a Barnes and Noble and its glossy cover vies for your attention somewhere near the cash register. But, do…
It’s Okay to Want Fulfillment
Randy Alcorn: We must realize, once and for all, that wanting to fulfill our ultimate desires and seeking the rewards God offers us are not anti-Christian. What is anti-Christian is the self-centeredness that’s unconcerned about God and our neighbor, and…
“Often we feel today like our reservoir of strength is not going to last for another day. The fact is, it won’t”
John Piper: Part of saving faith is the assurance that you will have faith tomorrow. Trusting Christ today includes trusting him to give you tomorrow’s trust when tomorrow comes. Often we feel today like our reservoir of strength is not…
This Sunday morning, take some 1000 year old advice from Anselm of Canterbury
Anselm was a brilliant medieval theologian (circa 1000 A.D.). Google him later this week to read about his ontological argument or his work on the atonement. But, first, in preparing your heart for worship, read these words that are nearly…
Neil Postman Lecture on Living in a Technological Society
Tony Reinke has posted links to a Neil Postman lecture available on You-tube. The late Neil Postman was the author of Amusing Ourselves to Death. If you are interested in how technology is shaping our identity you will profit from…
Just be wordlessly there for hurting people. At times, “Silence is eloquent sympathy.”
Os Guinness: But again, the one thing is clear: if we do not know the answers, it is better not to say . . . It is Job’s friends with whom God is angry. Speaking piously when they were ignorant,…