It’s Okay to Want Fulfillment

Randy Alcorn:

We must realize, once and for all, that wanting to fulfill our ultimate desires and seeking the rewards God offers us are not anti-Christian.  What is anti-Christian is the self-centeredness that’s unconcerned about God and our neighbor, and the preoccupation with the immediate fulfilling of desires that distracts us from finding our highest fulfillment in Christ . . .

It is senseless to devote our lives to the ‘mud pies’ of power, possessions, and pleasures of this world, when our Lord offers to us the power, possessions, and pleasures of the next world, our home.

You’re an investor?  Great.  Invest in what counts the most.  You have the desire to succeed?  Fine.  Succeed in servanthood, in giving, in praying, in reaching out to the lost and needy.  You have ambitions?   Good.  Make them kingdom ambitions.  You have dreams?  Wonderful.  Trade in your short-term dreams for the eternal dreams of the risen Christ.  Joy and rewards unimaginable will be yours.  The Law of Rewards, 119.