My sermon on 1 Corinthians 10:1-22 is available here. The central thought of the sermon is that we flee idolatry by properly running to the table. I continue to be persuaded that one of the greatest needs for local churches…
An Evening in Eschatology
If you want to stretch your thinking about eschatology (the doctrine of the final work of Christ), then watch this round table discussion between men who debate about the nature of the Millennial Kingdom and the timing of Christ’s return.…
Take a NEW Forgiveness Quiz and Win a Book or a Flip Video Recorder
It is the one year anniversary for Unpacking Forgiveness: Biblical Answers for Complex Questions and Deep Wounds and I am asking for your interaction in A New Forgiveness Quiz. Brief answers will be immediately available. But, on six consecutive Friday’s…
Even if You Don’t Have the Swine Flu, Get an I.V.
It turned out it wasn’t the swine flu. I visited a lady from our church yesterday at the hospital. For nearly two weeks she has been battling something intestinal. The tests show that it wasn’t the dreaded swine flu. Though,…
Adventure is found in submitting to God’s will and waiting expectantly to see what He will do
If God did everything as we expected, in the manner we anticipated, then there would be no adventure in the Christians life. Five years ago, this was our family Christmas card. We didn’t know what was next. God led us…
Motivation for caring for your pastor
One of the ways the Bible motivates you as a believer to support your pastor is by teaching that it is in your own best interest to do so. Look out for your pastor and you are looking out for…
What “D.V.” means and why we should use it often when we plan our week
“D.V.” refers to the Latin phrase, “Deo Volente” and means, “God willing.”" James 4:13-17 tells us why we should use it often: Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and…
A Vision for the Sacraments Today at the Red Brick Church
I believe that one of the greatest needs for local churches in North America is to regain a theologically shaped, spiritually motivated commitment to the sacraments/ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. This morning at our church, I will be…
It’s Saturday. Would you follow Luther’s example and tell one of your children or grandchildren a story?
Luther was away from home in Coburg when his oldest son Hans turned four. As a birthday card, he sent this story to his son. I know a beautiful lovely garden. There are many children in it with golden garments,…
Time to Commit To Church Membership
Kevin DeYoung: “Why bother with church membership?” I’ve been asked that question on numerous occasions. Sometimes it’s said with genuine curiosity–“So explain to me what membership is all about.” Other times it’s said with a tinge of suspicion–“So tell me…