Time to Commit To Church Membership

Kevin DeYoung:

“Why bother with church membership?”

I’ve been asked that question on numerous occasions. Sometimes it’s said with genuine curiosity–“So explain to me what membership is all about.” Other times it’s said with a tinge of suspicion–“So tell me again, why do you think I should become a member?”–as if joining the church automatically signed you up to tithe by direct deposit.

For many Christians membership sounds stiff, something you have at your bank or the country club, but too formal for the church. Even if it’s agreed that Christianity is not a lone ranger religion, that we need community and fellowship with other Christians, we still bristle at the thought of officially joining a church. Why all the hoops? Why box the Holy Spirit into member/non-member categories? Why bother joining a local church when I’m already a member of the universal Church?

I’ve found that some people just won’t be convinced of church membership no matter what you say or how many times "member" actually shows up in the New Testament. But many people have not given serious thought to church membership. They are open to hearing the justification for something they’ve not thought much about.

Here are just a few reasons why church membership matters.

Read the reasons here.

1 thought on “Time to Commit To Church Membership

  1. Hi Chris,

    Thank you for posting this. Whenever I am asked “Why membership?” I usually respond by with Hebrews 10:25. It never even occurred to me how difficult it can be for leadership to responsibly do what they are called to do (Hebrews 13:7) if people are coming and going as they please.

    Now, as you know, I absolutely believe in church membership and I say “Amen” to the article you posted. However, the reasons for membership here are “reasonable” and not necessarily “scriptural”

    What arguments from the Bible alone can we use to make a solid case for committed membership?

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