Mark Dever: If a healthy church is a congregation that increasingly displays the character of God as his character has been revealed in his Word, the most obvious place to begin building a healthy church is to call Christians to…
Arturo Azurdia: “The efficacious empowerment of the Spirit of God is indispensable to the ministry of proclamation.”
Would you pray for the preaching of the Word in your church tomorrow? The efficacious empowerment of the Spirit of God is indispensable to the ministry of proclamation. Arturo Azurdia
Calvin: The preaching of the Word serves “To make our faith firm and steadfast, even to our dying day”
I am thankful that during my sabbatical I leave our pulpit in the capable hands of men like Mike Wittmer, Bob Bixby, and Jeremy Scott. I remind our flock that we need to hear the Word preached, even to our…
A Window into a Pastor’s World
“and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, Ephesians 6:19 ****************** The point of this is not to complain about my schedule – –…
What Paul faced and what Paul did
What Paul faced (per Will Willimon): Imagine being asked to stand before a grand gathering of the good and the wise and being asked to make a speech about goodness, beauty, the meaning of life, the point of history, the…
Tim Keller: “If you can sink this deep into your heart, you’ll be an unsinkable person.”
If you are feeling disillusioned about the Christian life, I recommend this sermon from Tim Keller on biblical hope. Not only is it tremendous preaching, but Keller also talks about the beginning of Redeemer Presbyterian church. Some of the quotes…
More on preaching as “logic on fire”
Yesterday, I posted that we should be praying for fires when the Word is preached in our local churches (see here). Below are more quotes on unction or Spirit empowered boldness and clarity. “We are not inspired as the apostles…
Are you praying for fire in your church tomorrow?
One of the marks of biblical preaching should be unction or Spirit enabled boldness and clarity. Or, as Lloyd-Jones more vividly stated, biblical preaching should be “logic on fire.” Below is an excerpt from something I am currently writing. ********…
Mohler: Stop saying, “I prefer expository preaching”
One of the first steps to a recovering of authentic Christian preaching is to stop saying, “I prefer expository preaching.” Rather, we should define exactly what we mean when we say “preach.” What we mean is, very simply, reading the…
Would you pray in a special way for the preaching of the Word in your church tomorrow?
If you are a Brick, would you come by my study for prayer at 8:30 tomorrow? I often plead with people in our church to come pray with me before the morning services. The reason is that in my own…