Would you pray in a special way for the preaching of the Word in your church tomorrow?

If you are a Brick, would you come by my study for prayer at 8:30 tomorrow?

I often plead with people in our church to come pray with me before the morning services.  The reason is that in my own strength I might as well seek to part the Red Sea or raise the dead as preach successfully.  Unless the Holy Spirit illuminates the Word when I preach, then it is nothing more than a human production.

Arturo Azurdia summarizes:

People are brought to faith in Jesus Christ not because a preacher happens to be exceptionally dynamic one Sunday morning, or because he finishes his sermon with a spell-binding story.  Rather, in a mysterious work that is both sovereign in expression and divine in origin the power of God unites with the proclamation of the word of God and produces effects that are in keeping with the purposes of God.  It is the effectual teaching ministry of the Spirit of truth, without which the Bible will never be anything more than a book in a drawer in a room at a hotel.

Pray for me, whenever I open my mouth to preach, that words would be given to me that I might, “boldly proclaim they mystery of the gospel.”  Ephesians 6:19-20.

2 thoughts on “Would you pray in a special way for the preaching of the Word in your church tomorrow?

  1. That’s worth praying every week. That throughout the world people will come to faith in Jesus Christ by the illuminating of the Holy Spirit. I often think people continue to be saved by the power of the Holy Spirit not because of us but in spite of us. How often in my own power am I removing my foot from my big mouth. It actually fits.LOL Or are my actions something that will stumble others, again to live a Christian life in our own power just won’t work. I Pray that all those who proclaim Christ will continue to seek Spirit of truth and be the salt and light that the world is looking for. I will be Praying for you this evening as you prepare and again in the morning.
    Your brother in Christ, Marc

  2. We pray for you and your family every morning at our prayer time. i will try to make it to your 8:30 prayer on Sunday if I can. Dick J

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