Some Very Exciting (by our standards) Brauns Announcements, including a move to Switzerland

Brauns highlights for 2010 (D.V.!).  We are thankful for your prayers. Okay, the move to Switzerland is temporary.  Our church is giving me a sabbatical this summer (not to be confused with vacation – – see a Matt Schmucker article…

Praying as a Pastoral Search Committee

If nothing else, read through the prayer suggestions at the end. 

Most pastoral search committes / pulpit nominating committees would say that they believe prayer is important.  But, how many really pray . . . As always, it would be encouraging to hear if you find this helpful.  You can e-mail me at chris at (or course, you have to use the @ sign without spaces). 

Pastoral Search Interview Questions

 Let me say at the onset, I do NOT think pastoral search committees or pulpit nominating committees should only interview a potential pastor about preaching.  But, certainly, preaching should be a major part of what they interview a potential pastor about.Below are some potential interview questions about preaching.  You probably won’t want to use them all.  Maybe you will only want to use one or two.  But, at least these give some idea of how you might interview a potential pastor about preaching.

I know the questions are all numbered one.  When I pasted the material into my blog, it did that with the numbers, and I don’t have the energy to change them all right now. . .

If this material is helpful, I would love to hear about it.  You can e-mail me at chris at