T. David Gordon on Watching Television (I Think He’s Against It)

I read today to great profit Gordon’s recent book on preaching or the lack thereof.  I would recommend it for pastors.  (Gordon will make you feel a bit defensive at points which is a good thing).  I would also recommend this book for pastoral search committees.

In a footnote Gordon had this bit on watching television.  I’m guessing he is not a real big fan.  In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he buys televisions just so he can smash them.

Television-watching prohibits [the discernment needed to distinguish the significant from the insignificant]. One simply cannot regard the significant as more important than the insignificant, and then plop himself in front of a television for two to three hours an evening. The only way the conscience can survive such a colossal waste of a human life is for the individual to refuse to entertain the question of the difference between the significant and the insignificant.

He’s right, of course. But, it’s okay to watch 24.  I absolve you.  But, nothing else but 24 and Jack is underground for the summer.  Turn the television off.  Read something.

2 thoughts on “T. David Gordon on Watching Television (I Think He’s Against It)

  1. I tend to agree, but must admit that I do enjoy watching a variety of sports on TV. I think my age has something to do with it. I’ve reached the stage in life where the reality that we only have so many hours/days on earth has taken on greater clarity and most TV watching just seems like a HUGE waste of time to me. I feel the same way about sleep, but am forced to give in to that one. =)

  2. You know, I was an admitted tv junkie before I got married. I watched all matter of junk on television. I married a guy who works too much to watch tv (darned farmers!) except when the Cowboys are playing. It’s been good for me. I really curbed my tv watching schedule when my first child was born, because I didn’t want him exposed to all that filth… and now I find my ears have been highly sensitized too. I can’t believe the stuff I used to watch! Now we still do tv for the occasional program on Noggin, Mickey Mouse, ESPN and The Weather Channel(we ARE farmers after all) and Fox News. I do allow myself one “fun” show–The Unit. I’ve read an awful lot more than I did for a few years, and get more done too… Funny how that works!

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