Pictures freeze a moment in time. Study the moments and you might find a lot for which to be thankful. Scoring a touchdown is great. But there is also a lot to be said for the moment when the ball…
Stillman Valley Football: “Get There Early”
Everyone got to Burlington early. My wife and daughter were the first ones in the stands (on either side of the field). I had to track down the gate person to pay for our ticket. Our teams showed up early…
Stillman Valley Football: Worth the “Drive”
Here is the second installment of Stillman Valley Football: Monday Morning Football. It was a long drive to Tinley Park: over 100 miles of busy traffic one way. The JV rolled and the Varsity lost by one. Football demands “drive.”…
Stillman Valley Football – The Joy of “We”
Stillman Valley Football starts Friday. Here’s the first of a new series: “Monday Morning Football”. During the season I am going to hold back from Facebook a favorite picture or two for my site on Monday morning. Today’s pictures are…