Biblical forgiveness is conditional. We offer forgiveness to all. But, forgiveness does not happen apart from repentance. Here is an excerpt from my writing.
How to Beat Bitterness
Atonement Wars and Forgiveness
The current atonement debate has implications far beyond the doctrine of salvation. We are beginning to see how a departure from the Reformation understanding of the atonement will trickle down into areas of practical theology such as forgiveness.
It is also true that people are reading therapeutic approaches in the area of forgiveness back into doctrine. . .
A Bitterness Illustration that was too Long
I wrote the below material as an illustration about bitterness. But, it ended up being too much illustration and not enough truth. So, I had to cut it out. But, I couldn’t bear to completely delete it.
If you don’t want to read the illustration, here is the point. Avoid bitterness like the bubonic plague.
For those with nothing to do, here is a true story about 6th grade science. . .
What are Bitter People Like?
Another Forgiveness Question
Help on a Forgiveness Example
I need your help on a forgiveness example. Read the following and answer one simple question. What should Bev do in the short run?
Bev and Sue had been close, close friends for years. They lived two blocks apart and for the last 20 years attended the same church. They co-led their Mom’s Bible study together for four years in a row. Their husbands were fishing pals; their daughters were born just a few days apart. They talked on the phone several times a week.
A Theology of Spiderman III
If you haven’t seen Spiderman yet, you may want to turn down the sound before I give part of it away.
Having said that, I have been reflecting on the theology of Super Heroes.