Help “Getting” Revenge

I need your help . . . . 

I continue to work on my book on forgiveness.   I am “laboring” today on Labor Day on the chapter on revenge: I’m against it (and so is God).

Most of all realize that revenge is wrong for Christians.  Yet, I am convinced that many of us allow ourselves just a little revenge when we have been hurt.  Most revenge is not as spectacular as some Sicilian vendetta.  Rather, we have little ways of getting back.

Forgiveness: Which is More “Christian”?

 The Truth and Reconciliation Act in South Africa was a complex approach by South Africa to move beyond Apartheid.[1]

My purpose in this blog is not to critique South Africa’s strategy with the Truth and Reconciliation Act.  Rather, I would like to raise a question about a comment made by one of the Christian participants in the hearings.