Why are some many Christians abandoning what the Bible teaches about the wrath of God and eternal punishment? Al Mohler has some thoughts about this that are worth considering. The wrath of God comes up in our text for today…
C.S. Lewis on “Shadow-Lands” and the beginning of the great holiday
C.S. Lewis: When Aslan said you could never go back to Narnia, he meant the Narnia you were thinking of. But that was not the real Narnia. That had a beginning and an end. It was only a shadow or…
D.A. Carson: How can God be loving yet send people to hell?
How can God be loving yet send people to hell? from A Passion for Life on Vimeo. HT: JT
Computers on the New Earth?
Randy Alcorn hints at how technology may figure into the eschatological future. The video in this blog is an incredible look at how far technology has advanced and is changing, even just within the past year. As you watch it,…
An Evening in Eschatology
If you want to stretch your thinking about eschatology (the doctrine of the final work of Christ), then watch this round table discussion between men who debate about the nature of the Millennial Kingdom and the timing of Christ’s return.…
5th Tree Back, Right Side, As You Face the Throne
I repeat this post (that is the script from a radio spot) periodically. But, it is important that none of you forget the directions. Jamie and I want you to come by our party. If you need directions, you need…
It’s Okay to Want Fulfillment
Randy Alcorn: We must realize, once and for all, that wanting to fulfill our ultimate desires and seeking the rewards God offers us are not anti-Christian. What is anti-Christian is the self-centeredness that’s unconcerned about God and our neighbor, and…
“I Don’t Want to Go to Heaven . . .”
Mike Wittmer: I don’t want to go to heaven. Not that I’m lobbying for the other place – – I want no part of everlasting fire and unbearable, unquenchable torment . . . I’d love to go to heaven –…
Kevin DeYoung on the New Earth
Kevin DeYoung: The first place in the Bible where the new heavens and new earth are mentioned is in the book of Isaiah, chapter 65. It gives a sweetly glorious picture of what is to come. For behold, I create…
Should Christians Be Cremated?
I received this question recently from one of our flock. I was reviewing the details of my will and have specified that I wish to be cremated. I have no real strong feelings; I guess just an engineer’s approach to…