On Getting Braces

I woke up almost a year ago and couldn’t open my mouth.  Literally, my jaw had been clicking and complaining for years.  But, I had ignored it.  Now, it just refused to open.

It took a while to find help.  Finally, Dr. Murphy, an orthodontist in Rockford, turned out to be the guy with answers for my rebellious TMJ jaw.  He determined that the problem was my bite and that I needed braces. 

Completely Lost

John Calvin said, For until men have so examined themselves, and learned how wretched and miserable they are, they will surely never yield God one hundredth part of the honour he deserves.”

If we are to really glorify God, then we must continually understand how completely lost we are apart from the Lord Jesus Christ.  In Ephesians 2:1-3, Paul wrote.

Be Child-Like

Biblical humility is seeing ourselves as completely dependent on God.

Picture the scene.  Jesus called over a small child.  The little one was probably three or four: old enough to understand simple commands, small enough to be held.  The toddler came running into his arms.  And, Jesus said, “This is what you should be like if you want to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven.”