Divine Leverage

One of the things I love most about how God works is that he often uses small efforts on the part of his people for big results.  I call this “divine leverage.”  Because God is sovereign, God, and all-powerful, he can take some minor effort on our part and weave it into a major result.

The Urgency of Psalm 127

 Children can be the greatest source of joy and the greatest source of pain.What incredible joy is felt with the birth of a child or a grandchild, to watch them grow up and mature.  One of my major life goals is to see my children love and follow the Lord Jesus Christ.  So, when they demonstrate genuine spiritual interest, my heart is so encouraged.

Children are one of the greatest sources of joy, yet, nothing hurts like seeing children make bad decisions.  Thinking back over my years as a pastor, I think the people in the greatest pain are those whose children make bad choices.  I think of one couple, their son’s choices were so bad that he ended up in prison.  They were left to raise their grandchildren in their retirement years.  

Do You Love Your Children?

The Bible instructs parents to love their children.  But, the Bible does not define love as squishy sentimentalism that gives children whatever they want whenever they ask for it.  

In fact, Scripture says, “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.” (Pr 13:24) Parents who truly love their children consistently discipline them.

Team Sunday

Would you agree that athletics offer a strategic opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ? 

At their best, sports teach young people how to be disciplined and work hard.  Teams build close friendships.  Athletics teach young people to be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

No Quitting!

You can probably think of someone who has stepped away from involvement in a local church.  There are many reasons people decide to pull away. They find a sport or some other form of entertainment that takes the place of church,

they keep putting off finding a new church home,

they are disillusioned with churches because of a past conflict,

or they feel guilty about choices they have made. 

Don’t Let Failure Give Way to Failure

Here is a word of encouragement for living the Christian life.  “Don’t let failure give way to failure.”  Perhaps there is an area of your life where determined to do better.  You prayed that you would have victory.  And, yet you find yourself continuing to stumble.  So, you are tempted to just say, “Oh forget it.”  I will never be able to get a handle on this.