I imagine that John Lennon wouldn’t much like the New Testament book of Hebrews. True: both Lennon and Hebrews pay tribute to the idea of peace. The benediction at the end of Hebrews begins with the words, “May the God…
Paul Tripp Talks About What Hinders Community in the American Church
From Desiring God’s blog: What is the greatest hindrance to cultivating community in the American church? The first thing that comes to mind is frenetic western-culture busyness. I read a book on stress a few years back, and the author…
Hopeful Words from Mary Beth Chapman
As you probably know, the Chapman family was called to walk through a very deep valley when their daughter died in an accident a year ago. Mary Beth Chapman posted today about how we can pray for them as a…
What We Encourage Our Graduates to Remember
Graduation is here again. As a pastor, that means that I will once again be sharing a letter with graduating seniors. Every year I make it a point to graduating seniors to never forget that: Jesus Christ is the only…
Christians Suffer in the “Delivery Room”
Let me make an analogy between the physical and the spiritual. Would you not agree that there is a fundamental difference between pain in the cancer ward and agony in the delivery room? One is suffering that brings life; the…
Challenging Low Views of the Church
Dapper Darryl Dash’s post is worth reading today if for no other reason than to see a tight collection of quotes about the Church. The one from Augustine makes me nervous. But, its worth thinking about. I often talk to…
Children and the Snakes That Will Bite Them
I had a lot of reasons to smile in this picture. (I’m the one with a light complexion). But, the center of my joy was because the children I’m was with were near the Carolyn Kempton Memorial Hospital, where all…
And, the Winners Are . . .
Yesterday, the winners for the Great Book Blast were picked at a book signing in Rockford, IL at Parable Christian Bookstore.
Have you heard?
Southern preacher Fred Craddock tells about an unusual meeting with a greyhound: On my last trip to Southampton, I was visiting a family. We sat around after dinner and talked. The children played with the family dog, a large, long,…
4 Out of 10 Babies Born to Unwed Mothers
Pray for our country. Owen Strachan links to an article that reports 4 of 10 new babies in the U.S. are born to unwed mothers. Click here.