Hopeful Words from Mary Beth Chapman

As you probably know, the Chapman family was called to walk through a very deep valley when their daughter died in an accident a year ago.  Mary Beth Chapman posted today about how we can pray for them as a family.

Never in a million years would I think I would be sitting here on May 21, 2009 writing to you, my faithful blog friends about this.  Most of my words will seem empty today because I’m kind of in a surreal place in my heart as I try and express this Journey that the Chapman family has been on this past year!  Here is what I FEEL as this day starts out.  Sad beyond sad that she isn’t here, angry and mad that this had to happen, confused and bewildered that it had to involve Maria’s big brother that absolutely adored her, paralyzing fear that I won’t be able to pull through the pain and be able to completely let her go…because she wasn’t mine to begin with, and speechless to know how to grieve my baby girl who gave me soooo much laughter and joy and then turn around and hold tightly to the young man who is walking through this tragedy at 18 years old…Maria’s buddy, Will, (the bravest young man I know!), and at my darkest place, I wonder…..God, where are you and why in the world would you choose us to walk this out….It isn’t fair!  And then, all of a sudden, I hear this other voice in my head that reminds me over and over again of not what I FEEL, but what I KNOW….

Read the whole thing here.

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