The chance to write a book is not an opportunity to give a definitive and final word. Only one book is a definitive and final word. For those who are “always reforming” / semper reformanda, being an author is an…
Start the Week With the Greatest Television Character of All Time
An Illustration of Why We Should Be Patient And Cautious About A Child’s Profession of Faith
Shannon Popkin: Me: "Why did Jesus die?" Cade: "To save us from our sins." Me: "Have you sinned?" Cade: "Yea, like when I scratched Cole last night." Me: "What is God’s punishment for sin?" Cade: "He says we have to…
Preachers Need to Have Moral Courage
If you have four minutes, listen to Haddon Robinson share how pastors can have moral courage when preaching. Click here. Again, it’s only four minutes long.
B.B. Warfield on the Trinity in the Old Testament
Warfield: The Old Testament may be likened to a chamber richly furnished but dimly lighted: the introduction of light brings into it nothing which was not in it before; but it brings out into clearer view much of what is…
With characteristic brevity, “22 Words” is unpacking forgiveness
Abraham Piper has raised a forgiveness question. (See here). You should weigh in with your opinion. You won’t be surprised to notice that I split hairs in my comment.
When Laola Rolled out the Red Carpet for a Pastor and His Wife
One of Jamie and my favorite pastoral visits was to an older lady. I am not sure of her exact age, but I do know that she and her husband had been married for 67 years. It was a visit…
Al Mohler: “Let’s not be caught in the dark, wondering why we missed the opportunity when it was day.”
Whether or not you are a Southern Baptist, if you are interested in the future of the church in North America, I encourage you to watch Al Mohler’s analysis of the history and future of the SBC. A great deal…
Why Do People Live Unexamined Lives?
Os Guinness (in Joe Gibbs, Game Plan for Life): One reason people live unexamined lives is because of what Blaise Pascal, a seventeenth-century French scientist called “diversions.” We are reluctant, even afraid, to admit that we all, without exception, will…
A fine example of parallel parking
HT: Vitamin Z