When Laola Rolled out the Red Carpet for a Pastor and His Wife

One of Jamie and my favorite pastoral visits was to an older lady. I am not sure of her exact age, but I do know that she and her husband had been married for 67 years. It was a visit we will long remember.

Honest, this is true, she literally put out a red carpet on her front steps because she knew that a pastor and his wife were coming. She served us delicious coffee cake on fine serving dishes and coffee from china. She showed us the different treasures that she has accumulated over the years. She had book shelves made out of wood that was at one time an ice house on her parent’s farm. The table was decorated with a crocheted doily her mother made. She talked to us about her story and how she had first met Christ many years ago.

Jamie and I compared generations on our way home. We had to laugh at ourselves just a little. We said that this lady served used fine china. Our generation will hand someone a plastic cup and a sharpie and tell them to write their names on it. Of course, it isn’t wrong to serve people potato chips in the bag or use plastic cups. We have a young family and that is often the most prudent thing to do. But, I still think that we have lost something over the years. The Bible prizes hospitality. It is in the context of taking special care to watch out for people that we can share Christ with one another both in word and spirit.

How about it? Why not have someone over for coffee or dinner. Get out your china that you haven’t used for years. Or, borrow a friend or relative’s. Put a red carpet out on your front steps. Take the time to share your stories.

And, shame on you, if you had the thought, “My home isn’t nice enough, or my dishes are too old.”  That’s pride talking.  Use whatever is your best.  Roll out your red carpet.  Love in concrete and active ways.