Parents, we need to help our children understand that text messaging is not a neutral form of communication. The method shapes the message and the messenger. Al Mohler reflects on how text message and the electronic age is shaping our…
Thanking God for other evangelical pastors in our community
Today is Pastor Eric Geil’s last Sunday at Kishwaukee Evangelical Presbyterian church. For several years, Pastor Don Holmertz (Valley Evangelical Covenant Church) and I have had the privilege of serving along side Eric here in Stillman Valley. The pastors in…
D.A. Carson: How can God allow suffering and evil?
How can God allow suffering and evil in the world? from A Passion for Life on Vimeo. HT: JT
Questions 7&8 of A New Forgiveness Quiz
It is still not too late to enter the contest. I will continue to blog through the quiz on consecutive Friday’s until December 4th. Each Friday I will give away two copies of Unpacking Forgiveness. On December 4th, I will…
Twenty Verses in My Short Term Memory File
The key to memorizing Scripture is systematic repetition. If you have a system for repeating verses aloud, then you will remember them. Here is what one of my Scripture memory sheets looks like. I repeat verses 25 times the first…
Sharpen Your Wisdom Saw Today (Read Proverbs 18)
Wisdom is skill for right living. Wisdom is the saw we use to cut our way through life. We need a sharp saw if we are going to cut our way through life. Proverbs is one of the best ways…
Charles Krauthammer: Medicalizing mass murder
Why is the media reluctant to acknowledge the reality of radical Islam? Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer on the media interpretation of the mass murder at Fort Hood: What a surprise — that someone who shouts "Allahu Akbar" (the "God…
Don’t get too stressed out if there are messes around your church. . .
Sometimes, we wrongly assume that if we move forward as local churches, then church life will be spic and span. But, in a fallen world it is quite the opposite. Proverbs 14:4 reminds us: Where there is no oxen, the…
Ham balls, green beans, talking smack, and the showdown on Mt. Carmel
At dinner, my children discussed whether or not one can find a justification for “talking smack” as they say, with Elijah’s taunting comments on Mt. Carmel. 1 Kings 18:27. According to the boys, this is a pertinent question given that…
The West’s Last Chance: Will We Win the Clash of Civilizations?
Tony Blankley, Editorial Page Editor, The Washington Times, writes in his book, The West’s Last Chance: The threat of the radical Islamists taking over Europe is every bit as great to the United States as was the threat of the…