Thanking God for other evangelical pastors in our community

Today is Pastor Eric Geil’s last Sunday at Kishwaukee Evangelical Presbyterian church.  For several years, Pastor Don Holmertz (Valley Evangelical Covenant Church) and I have had the privilege of serving along side Eric here in Stillman Valley.

The pastors in our community are close – – we serve together – – and, in light of Eric and Maxine’s departure, it is an appropriate time for me to post several things I am thankful for about Eric and the other pastors here.

This is not an exhaustive list.  Rather, a few things that come to mind.

  1. I am thankful that the other churches in  our community are committed to the Gospel of our Lord and the authority of his Word.  During Eric’s tenure at Kish, the church made the decision to go from the PCUSA to the EPC.  They did this because they continue to remain committed to the authority of God’s Word.
  2. I am thankful for how the families of the other pastors represent the Gospel.  Eric has a lovely wife who always represented the Gospel and their church well.  (I have no idea how Eric persuaded her to say “yes.”)  Despite having small children, when we’ve been invited into their house, their home is spotless. We serve in a small town and it is important that we as pastors and our families communicate the excellence of the Gospel in every way.  Their family consistently puts their best foot forward in how they represent the Gospel.
  3. I am thankful that Eric (and Don Holmertz) get the unity of the Body of Christ.  Here in Stillman Valley, it is a blessing to know that the churches pray for one another and support one another.  Our Thanksgiving and Good Friday services are a special gift to the community each year.
  4. I am thankful Eric does not talk irresponsibly.  I recall once early on in Eric’s time here that we were talking about the situation of a family in the community.  Eric very quickly cautioned, “Let’s be careful not to gossip.”  While I can’t recall every detail of every conversation over the years, I think we as pastors have been careful to not unnecessarily talk about issues we are working through with our flocks.
  5. I am thankful that Eric loves his flock and that they love him.  Occasionally, we have had someone in our home who attends Kish.  When we pray for the Geil’s, I can see the depth of love that the people from Kish have for Eric and Maxine.
    And, I know the Geil’s love their people.  Of course, that makes good-byes somewhat painful.  But, soon enough we are going to have a great meeting  (Revelation 21 and 22).  No more good-byes then.

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