Kissing Our Communities

 Little boys are not safe from the pastor's wife at the Red Brick Church in Stillman ValleyI sent the below email to our church family – – I pray many are reminded to reach out to their communities during the upcoming holiday season.

Dear Church Family,

You know we do a pretty good job kissing on the kids at the Red Brick Church. The pastor’s wife, in particular, excels.

My nephew wanted to know at what age little boys are safe from the pastor’s wife. I told him that the deacons are generally okay, but after that, you’re on your own. Jamie finds the children – – and the rest of us do our part as well.

But it’s one thing to kiss the children and another to be kissing our community. Make no mistake. As Christians, we are called to show that we truly love our neighbors. Kisses, of one sort or another, are in order.

One of the most vivid ways we can “kiss” our community this time of the year is to invite them to church. We have neighbors all around us who do not have church homes. Would you not take a moment to share with them a link regarding our upcoming Christmas events and preaching series.

It is not a real difficult script. “Would you be my guest at church? I’ll watch for you and we can sit together.” Our affection should be concrete and vivid. It’s just about as easy as kissing.

Do use discernment about the kissing business. There is a youth decorating party coming up and we won’t be encouraging them to hang mistletoe.

Seriously though, Eternity is at stake. Love people for the glory of Christ and our collective joy. Invite someone to church. Love one another.

On for the King,

Pastor Chris Brauns

Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you. Romans 16:16