Get Spiritually Recharged on Vacation

Image of the Griswolds not getting spiritually recharged on vacation.It’s been a long time, but I don’t recall thinking the movie Vacation was that funny. Maybe it’s because it hit too close to home – – – planning for a vacation that ended up being a spiritual drain.

How about you? Ever have a vacation where you came back feeling more stressed than when you left?  Isn’t it amazing how that can happen?  You plan rest for months, look forward to a break. And, then you come back having bickered as a family and feeling spiritually depleted.

The solution to that is to be proactive – – plan ahead.  Outline a simple, doable spiritual plan for you and your family.  Your children may roll their eyes but this will be worth it.  Make it your goal to come back from vacation spiritually recharged.

Even in 10-15 minutes a day you could do a few simple things.

Suggestions for Spiritual Renewal on Vacation

Have your whole family read the daily chapter of Proverbs one or more days.  If the date is July 18, then read Proverbs chapter 4.  Have everyone mark at least one verse that stands out and talk about those verses right before you put on the water skis.

You can do the same thing with Psalms.  Start with the date of the month, say Psalm 18, and then add 30 to go through the end of the book.  If it is the 18th, you will read Psalms 18, 48, 78, 108, and 138.  Even one chapter is great.

Or read the book of Philippians or James in the New Testament.  Read just one chapter a day and mark something that stands out to you.

An image of a helicopter in Stillman Valley.Journal a few prayers.

Memorize a Psalm in order to be moved.

Download a few sermons to listen to on your Ipod . . . I can’t resist.

And, attend church if at all possible on Sunday mornings.  Reading a chapter of the Bible over Pop Tarts is not the same as worshiping with God’s people and hearing the Word preached!

If for some reason, your dream vacation this summer is to drive down to Ogle County – – -maybe sightseeing around the nuclear plant, or going to the museum in Byron, then we would love for you to visit The Red Brick Church in Stillman Valley.  This summer, we are meeting at 9:00 on Sunday mornings.