The Cumulative Influence of Preaching

Even though you may not remember the points of last week’s sermon, that doesn’t mean that God is not using the preaching of the Word to nourish your soul.

Trevin Wax:

“Making a hospital visit to a suffering family makes more of an impact than the three points you made in your message on Sunday.”

Occasionally, I hear statements like this at pastors’ conferences and preaching seminars. The idea? Pastoral presence is more important than a pastor’s preaching. The implication? It’s better to spend less time worrying about your preaching and more time engaging people at a personal level.

Sounds good. But it’s shortsighted. And ultimately unhelpful.

Read the rest here.

1 thought on “The Cumulative Influence of Preaching

  1. This is so true! I hate it when someone asks me about a sermon they missed and I draw a complete blank. “Ummmm…. I know I was there… Let me think…”

    But then, if I extracted from my memory all the sermons that I’ve heard over the past 3 decades, I’m convinced that I would be a completely different person!

    Thanks for YOUR preaching ministry, Chris. There are some sermons that I can still recall from way back at Camp or at Garfield’s youth group!

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