Read this WONDERFUL chapter

Read 1 Corinthians today.  If you make it no further than verse 6, it will be time well spent.  Meditate on all 58 verses and you will have had a wonderful day spiritually.  Feel overwhelmed by its 58 verse length?  Let Pastor Andrew Ford help you out.

Though he may not displace Gordon Fee any time soon, Andrew Ford demonstrates that he used his recent back surgery for constructive purposes by summarizing one of the greatest chapters ever written.  For those without a background in theological study, “honkin,” is a technical term, but you should be able to understand its meaning using context clues.  Andrew Ford:

1 Corinthians 15 is 58 verses long.  Here is my summary:

A big honkin argument for the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ (and the believer’s resurrection as well) as a motivation that we should not live aimlessly (eat, drink for tomorrow we die vs.32) but rather we should be doing Kingdom work –  “be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain (vs. 58).”

Short Version:  Resurrection truth moves believers to meaningful Kingdom work.