What’s the message of the Bible in one sentence?

Dane Ortlund asked 25 pastors and theologians to summarize the Bible in one sentence.

Two samples:

God is in the process of recreating the universe which has been corrupted by sin and has made it possible for all those and only those who follow Jesus to be a part of the magnificent, eternal community that will result.  Craig Blomberg

God glorifies himself in the redemption of sinners.  John Frame

Read the rest here.

HT: Kevin DeYoung

4 thoughts on “What’s the message of the Bible in one sentence?

  1. I liked John Frame’s the best in that list. It was interesting to see how different theologians and pastors approach the question.

  2. Frame’s was also one of my favorites. Frame in general is one of my favorites!

    I agree. I think it was a very worthwhile blogging exercise.

  3. Lots of great thoughts by some great scholars and pastors. Here are my own thoughts:

    1. Love your neighbor as yourself. The vertical dimension of the Gospel is basically totally absent in the responses.

    2. Relationship. It’s the one word that is strangely absent. Although some of the replies allude to the (broken and restored) relationship with God (the horizontal dimension!), none of them ever use the word.

    Both are interesting statements considering the state of evangelical theology and the evangelical church in the west.

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