How Jonah can help you in 2011

I recently posted the video seen below which is a wonderful telling of the book of Jonah by a little girl.  If you haven’t watched the video (or at least read Jonah) in recent days, watch one or two minutes.  You won’t be disappointed.

But Jonah is more than just a good story.  A recent post by Tullian Tchividjian helps us understand how the book of Jonah is significant for daily living.

The story of Jonah shows us that the gospel—the good news that God relentlessly pursues sinners in order to rescue them—is just as much for Christians as it is for non-Christians. Jonah’s life proves this, because Jonah, who knows God, obviously needs divine deliverance as much as anyone else in the story. In fact, his need for rescue gets far more emphasis than anyone else’s. It’s his destitution, not that of the Ninevites, that gets the most play. That alone should be enough to convince us that God’s rescue is a continuing requirement for Christians and non-Christians alike.

The gospel isn’t simply a set of truths that non-Christians must believe in order to become saved. It’s a reality that Christians must daily embrace in order

Read the rest here.

The story of Jonah from Corinth Baptist Church on Vimeo.