Though in some circumstances it may be necessary, divorce is like amputation

In a major brain lapse, earlier today I said in the title of this post, “Though in some circumstances it may be necessary, marriage is like amputation.”  Fortunately, a couple of you pointed out the error.

Kevin DeYoung lays out biblical principles regarding divorce and remarriage (see here).

One brief pastoral word to go along with the link.  Marriage is a kind of amputation.  There are times when an amputation must be done.  If a person has gangrene in an arm or leg, it may mean death to not remove it.  But, amputation means walking with a limp from there on out.

There are times when God permits divorce.  But, the consequences are devastating.  The divorce you imagine is not the divorce you will have.  Divorce is almost always worse than what people expect.  It means a permanent limp, until we cross to the other side.

Before you amputate, be sure it really is “gangrene” by interacting closely with your pastor and elders.

5 thoughts on “Though in some circumstances it may be necessary, divorce is like amputation

  1. Should the title be “Though in some circumstances it may be necessary, divorce is like amputation”?

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