“Have a theology of suffering before it befalls you, so that when it hits you land on solid ground”

See also, D.A. Carson – – How can God allow suffering and evil in the world? and Piper, “When you hug those who are suffering, you need a place to stand.”

Matt Chandler is a young pastor with a brain tumor.  There is much to learn from this video.

Zach Nielsen gives these quotes from the video:

“Lauren asked the doctor, ‘what’s best-case scenario and what’s worst-case scenario?’ He said: ‘Best-case scenario is that God heals you… worst-case scenario, honestly, is that you get killed in a car wreck on your way home today.’

“He was the first one to say to me out loud, ‘nothing’s really changed for you – you just get to be aware that you’re mortal. Everyone is, but they’re just not aware of it.  The gift that God’s given you is that you get to be aware of your mortality.’

“So if this goes bad for me, if my MRI scan shows that … I have a short amount of time, I can talk to my wife, talk to my children, shoot videos… most guys who die in their 30’s kiss their wife goodbye in the morning and never come home. … At least once a year, for the rest of my life, I get the anxiety of ‘am I going to hear today that I only have a couple years to live?’ … It is a gift.”


2 thoughts on ““Have a theology of suffering before it befalls you, so that when it hits you land on solid ground”

  1. This is truly amazing faith. On the “guys who die in their 30’s”, My sister is only able to get through each day, by trusting God, after loosing her son, to a motorcycle acc. June 18th. For us, we will have the anxiety of having our youngest in harms way(again), as he deploys to Afghanistan in a short while. I know we will have to keep our faith ever so strong. He is in God’s hands now, just as he will be over there. Still tough!

  2. Pam, I so pray that the Lord will be with your sister. And, I pray that the Lord will be with your son in Afghanistan. I agree, it is tough!

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