Meet Jana: An Ordinary Hero

An ordinary hero is a person who quietly (pastors don’t qualify) and faithfully serves.  These are people we should honor.  Do you know any ordinary heroes?  Send them to me at chris [at]

Someone else nominated Jana, our church administrative assistant.  But, I should have been the one to put her name on.  She’s the one who keeps the church going.  She fulfills more administrative jobs than you can imagine which includes everything from church bulletins to the annual report to the monthly newsletter to keeping track of our church database. 

But, more than just fulfilling her administrative tasks, Jana sees her position with the “Bricks” as a ministry.  Read what the person who nominated her said below.


My ordinary hero is Jana. 

  • In addition to faithfully serving in the music ministry with her beautiful piano playing, she also coordinates the other musicians and singers and makes sure we all have the right music. 
  • She also teaches the high school Sunday School class along with her husband and as the mother of a freshman I can say they love her class. 
  • In her spare time, she stepped forward to help me through a very difficult time battling cancer.  She has been there for moral support, attended my son’s basketball games when I couldn’t, driven me to doctor’s appointments, taken notes so we all understood, sat with me at chemo, the list goes on. 

She is truly an amazing woman and we are thankful to have her at our church.  (Submitted by Shelley C).

Chris agrees!

More ordinary heroes here.

7 thoughts on “Meet Jana: An Ordinary Hero

  1. I agree! Jana is faithful, organized, and consistent. If you mention something to Jana at church, she is there to follow-up on it. She does all of the things you’ve all ready listed above with a smile on her face or a silly joke to cheer us up.

  2. I couldn’t agree more with all the previous comments. We would all be lost without her! When you ask Jana you know it will get done. We are very blessed to have her as a brick in Stillman Valley.

  3. I think we would be hard pressed to find a person in the Church that has not been touched by Jana and her many gifts. She definitely has a kind heart and is there for her Church family.

  4. From day 1, Jana has called me and every member of my family by name. She has never once forgotten! She amazes me…sometimes even I can’t remember who I am, but she always does! God blessed me with JANA!

  5. I can’t believe we didn’t name Jana until now! She is such a vital part of our church in so many ways and I see now, from the previous comments, she has been and is a ‘rock’ to many individuals as they go through their many trials. God has blessed us all with Jana.

  6. Jana helps the Awana program in so many ways. Weekly newsletters to the parents, photos up on Sundays, keeping track of my budget,and keeping track of me. I would be lost without her. And she would miss my Wednesday visits to her office. Jana is a friend who quietly listens and always has time for you. Jana is a wonderful brick to have here at the Red Brick Church. God has truly blessed us.

  7. I thank God for Jana and love her much. She is a blessing in my life and brings joy to my heart.

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