Should a Christian get a tattoo even if his parents object?

4 thoughts on “Should a Christian get a tattoo even if his parents object?

  1. Interesting… I laughed at the comment about the tatoo looking like a blurry arrow rather than a cross by mid life. I liked what the guy said about there being better methods of accountability.

    It’s so amazing how your perspective and passions change and mellow over time. Even the Brick in the Valley has had some of his cement edges crumble off over the years… 🙂

  2. Yes, the edges of the Brick aren’t nearly so sharp. But, he has a far greater appreciation now for the wonder of being in the building.

  3. Gee…whatever happened to good old-fashioned get-a-ring-and-wear-it-on-your-finger type reminders? Our local paper once did an article showing the “ink” that various members of the Green Bay Packers were sporting along with their explanations of and inspiration for their designs. One of them (name escapes me)explained that he is a Born-Again Believer in Christ and, as such, refuses to “graffiti” his body, a temple of God. That being said, the comment about an immorality billboard for a future wife to look at cracked me up…gotta second the motion there. Would be somewhat off-putting, to say the least. Good commentary all around – thanks for posting such a thought-provoking piece, Chris!

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