The Abortion Distortion

I am thinking and praying about a sermon I will preach on January 24 for Sanctity of Life Sunday.  I recently filed this post from Al Mohler regarding an important article in New York magazine.

Al Mohler:

Week by week, New York magazine offers insight into the culture and consciousness of the nation’s trendy population in Manhattan. This magazine, combined with The New York Times, The New York Review of Books, and The New Yorker, provides constant insight into the thinking of the New York elites.

The magazine recently featured a major article on abortion, and it just might be the most important article on this issue in recent history.

In "The Abortion Distortion — Just How Pro-choice is America, Really?," writer Jennifer Senior offers an incredibly insightful and important essay on the moral status of abortion in the American mind. Senior is clearly writing to a New York readership — expected to be overwhelmingly pro-choice and settled in a posture of abortion advocacy. Given the passage of the so-called "Stupak amendment" to the health-care reform bill adopted by the House of Representatives, many in the pro-choice movement responded with amazement that a pro-life minority have been able to muster such support. Jennifer Senior posed the most awkward question for her readers: Is America really pro-choice?

Read the rest here.