Nothing Like God’s Word

There is nothing like the life giving power of the Word of God.

Several years ago my wife and I invited a group of young adults into our home for dinner. About half way through our meal one young lady asked what our church believes. To answer that question, I just began talking through the Psalm 19 beginning in verse 7. I said,

“We believe that God’s Word is perfect: reviving the soul. We believe that there are people who are dead inside, who feel like they have nothing left, and God’s Word is what the Spirit uses to give life.  (See Psalm 19:7-11)

I continued,

“We believe that the Word of God gives joy to the heart. In Christ, and through His proclaimed word, we can find unsurpassed joy and happiness.

We believe that God’s Word is radiant, giving light to the eyes. That for people who need direction, God’s Word shows them a direction to go. . .” And, in this day of wars and complex medical decisions and broken relationships, we so need the light of the Word.

It was not a long answer. But, within a minute or two of talking about Psalm 19, I noticed that the eyes of the young lady who asked me the question were shining with tears. So, I said quietly to her, “Tell me a little about your story.” Without hesitation she began to describe how she had grown up knowing nothing of the power, sweetness, and hope of God’s Word.

Listen: The Truth is our need. We need to hear from God. We need to be revived in our souls; we need to see God’s truth come into intersection with life. God’s Word is more precious than gold, it is at once powerful and precise. Best of all, it is focused on our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

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