“The baptism was beautiful. I waited every day for over a month. . .”

Does your church have a baptism service coming up?  A good friend from a different part of the country, recently wrote this to me in an e-mail regarding her church’s baptism service.  It pictures how we should feel about the ordinances of baptism and communion. 

The baptism was beautiful.  I waited every day for it for over a month. 9 people got baptized – one redemption story more beautiful than the next.

God has not only preserved me in the faith but has truly given me a love for His bride.  Even though I never stopped believing in God, I never had a love for the bride of Christ like I do now. Some days it is all I think about!  There are many people who are leaving churches deeply and profoundly hurt.  The temptation to write church off is very strong and there are many wolves standing by to capitalize on that.  My prayer is that God do for others what he did for me.  That’s why I like your post [about the importance of the church]!