Missions and Micro-Economics: The Mango, Togo School For Sewing


Not surprisingly, the greatest humanitarian and economic needs is also found in those areas least penetrated by the Gospel.  Cultures without Christ decay in every regard.

Mango, Togo, West Africa is in northern Togo, just inside the 10/40 window.  I was recently there, and the need is devastating.

Not only is there barely the flicker of a Gospel witness, there is also very little economic hope.

But, there is a new ABWE outpost in Togo and one of the things ABWE missionaries have already done is help establish a school that teaches orphans and others with great need how to sew.  Not only does this provide a context for proclamation of the Gospel, it also offers “the least of these” the chance to learn to support themselves.

The school is run by a Togolese believer.  The children learn to sew using material from concrete bags.  The cost of setting up the school was between two and three thousands dollars.

The $2-3,000 is in addition to missionaries who were willing to go to the ends of the earth.

I wonder if you would be willing to pray in a heart-felt way just one time for the three young ladies seen in this picture?

Could it be that God would call you to Africa? 

2 thoughts on “Missions and Micro-Economics: The Mango, Togo School For Sewing

  1. That girl is beautiful! Not that that really matters, but did you take that picture? It’s a great one. You’re really talented with photography.
    I sent this to my friends who plan to go back to Mozambique and my other girlfriend who just got back from Morocco training women to start their own business…
    One of them was sharing with me how they had brought a whole vanload of medicine into a village and it was completely emptied with so much more need… he said that there were women who had been suffering from the simplest, yet most painful of infections for years and a small dose of antibiotics was all they needed.
    It seems like their hearts would be very open to hearing the gospel at that point of need. It reminds me of your sermon when you talked about two groups of children waiting for a feast and one group ate all the candy they wanted beforehand. Do you remember that? It was a good one…it stuck.

  2. I did take the picture. But, I take a lot of ones that aren’t so good to get one good one.

    Wow, I can’t remember that sermon, but if it was good then I’ll take credit . . . my mind is going. I can remember stuff from first grade but not last week.

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