Pray Someone Will Be Blessed and You May End Up Being the Blessing

Here is a thought worth meditating on: Sometimes when we pray someone would be blessed, we end up being the instrument God uses to bless the person for whom we prayed.  God answers our praying by saying, “I will bless that person and I am going to use you to do it.”  When this happens, we have the joy of not only seeing our prayer answered, but the joy of being an instrument used by God to encourage someone else.

One of the best examples of this is found in the book of Ruth.  Boaz prays that God would bless Ruth for her faithfulness to Naomi.  God answers that prayer by bringing Ruth and Boaz together in marriage.  Incredibly, God even wrote Ruth into the story of the line of King David and ultimately, of the Lord Jesus himself.  When Boaz prayed that the God of Israel would bless Ruth, he could not have imagined that God would answer his prayer in such a spectacular way.

How about setting a goal to pray for someone in particular every day this week.  Pray the blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26, The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you, the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”

Don’t be surprised if God uses you to answer that prayer in some way that you might never have imagined.

3 thoughts on “Pray Someone Will Be Blessed and You May End Up Being the Blessing

  1. I found this article because in a lesson about Ruth, I recall that Boaz was used to be the answer to the prayer he prayed.

    Thank you for this article. As a result of the lesson that God gives and the Spirit of Christ that indwells me, I am investigating giving a kidney to someone that was brought to me in need for prayer.

    Little did I realize, at that time, that God was preparing me to be the answer to the prayer i was praying! Thank you, Jesus…for teaching me agape.

  2. Thank you for sharing regarding the possible kidney transplant. If you think of it, stop back to let us know how it goes in the future. God bless you!

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