Our Access to Christ on the New Earth According to Jonathan Edwards

Have you thought much about Heaven lately? Have you tried to picture the New Jerusalem?

Reading the sermons of Jonathan Edwards has helped me picture Heaven more vividly.

For many their only exposure to Edwards has been his famous sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” If you haven’t read that sermon, do so soon. But, I think one of Edwards greatest sermons was one in which he talked about Heaven. In that message, Edwards preached about how believers would relate to Christ in Heaven. Edwards said that Christ will treat believers as dear friends and that our access to Jesus will be more free than the Disciples had to Jesus during His earthly ministry.

Do you realize that if you put your faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, that He is not ashamed to say that you are His brother or sister? And, that if you have done that, you can be very sure that soon you will be with Him forever.

Edwards told his congregation, [Jesus] will treat you as his dear friend; and you shall [always] be where he is, and shall behold his glory, and dwell with him, in most free and intimate communion and enjoyment . . .

My family has a spot in the Heavenly City all picked out. We’re going to meet at the 5th tree on the right side of the river facing the throne. We would love to have you stop by and visit us.

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