We are Not the First


What would be the difference in your level of fear with these two scenarios?

Scenario #1 – You’re preparing to parachute out of an airplane following a number of other parachutes.  It is the military system of parachuting where your chute opens for you.  All you have to do is fall.

Scenario #2 – You are the first sky-diver in history.  The idea of a parachute working is only a theory.

For the record, the first successful parachute jump in history was in 1797 when André-Jacques Garnerin dropped from about 6,500 ft over Monceau Park in Paris in a 23-foot-diameter parachute made of white canvas with a basket attached.

So, picture that you are doing the first parachute jump ever.  Maybe some inventor said to you,

Look, I’ve got a theory.  I have noticed that when leaves fall, they don’t go straight down.  In fact, they go sort of slow.  Even when they do land, the leaves don’t hit so hard.  So, what I want you to do is tie this big piece of silk to your back.  You will jump off this cliff and the idea is that the silk will catch the air and you will fall gently to the ground.  You will be like a sort of giant leaf floating to the ground.

What would be the difference in your level of fear between these two scenarios?

The answer is obvious.  In the first scenario, depending on how brave you are, you would be somewhat nervous, but also reasonably confident that you would live.

But, for any sane person, the prospect of being the first person in history to parachute would be positively terrifying.


In the Christian life, we face Scenario #1, not Scenario #2.  Don’t buy the lie that you are the first person to ever be faced with such a fearful situation.  Many others have survived by God’s grace.  We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.


The original recipients of the book of Hebrews were very fearful about what they faced.  Likely, the threat of persecution was growing.  Some were thinking about not continuing on in the Christian life.

One of the ways the author of Hebrews encourages his readers is to remind them: We are not the first. Others have already successfully sky-dived through the Christian life.

He says it this way,

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.(Heb 12:1-3).

The author of Hebrews recognized that his audience might soon be required to jump out of the airplane, figuratively speaking.  But, given that so many have already completed the race (see chapter 11), and above all, given the example of the Lord Jesus Christ, we can jump with confidence.  There is a great cloud of parachutes that have already floated safely to the ground in front of us.

Fix your eyes on Christ.

2 thoughts on “We are Not the First

  1. Awesome post. Hebrews 10:25 says, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Staying reminded of the truth that “We are not the first” is accomplished in part by being in fellowship.

  2. thanks for this post and the encouragement. its so helpful to remember that no matter what the situation, trial or temptation that my God is in control and that many others have overcome with joy. i needed to be reminded of that. thanks

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