Chris and Jamie Brauns Birth Announcement

Please join Jamie and me in celebrating the arrival of our first baby Kindle.  Born late in the afternoon of March 11, he weighed just over 10 ounces.

Both dad and Kindle are doing well.  I was a real trooper in unwrapping him.

So far I am mildly pleased. I have been mostly using the ESV Bible (a free download). The display is very cool. It is very compact. Book delivery works well. I am not sure I like the 5 way mouse. But, then my fine motor skills are not exactly those of a surgeon.

More later on how dad and baby Kindle are getting along.

6 thoughts on “Chris and Jamie Brauns Birth Announcement

  1. Wow… This is quite a step for one who babies his books. Can you ever imagine a young wipper snapper pastor with a kindle for a bookshelf?

    I think I finally retain as well from the screen as I do from the page. And I now totally prefer the keys over the pen.

    Is Unpacking Forgiveness available on Kindle?

  2. You can, indeed, “unpack” on the Kindle.

    I’m not sure if I am going to get used to it. The screen seems a bit gray to me. It is certainly handy in size. This is for sure.

  3. don’t you do that with a blog entry title again, mister.
    !!! =}
    i will knock you down, even though you be a revered pastor-type guy.

    i AM glad you got a kindle. i am wondering at a recent surge in interest and buying lately–noticeable around the blogosphere. these aren’t so new, but people seem newly enthused. maybe they’ve heard YOU were getting one….


  4. Congrats! I hope it doesn’t end up too fussy or only take certain kinds of books. Stuff like that can make a parent very frustrated.

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